Last weekend my friend Daphne and her girls Gillian and Emily went to Disney on Ice at our local Events Center.
To top their night off after the event, Daphne and I surprised them with a little treat over at my house. We had ice cream sundays with ALL the toppings!
The girls were tired, but couldn't resist the ice cream! They had never met Larry Bird before so we introduced them to him and they definitely took a liking to him!
Here is Gillian with Larry Bird
Emily (bless her little/BIG heart) was so tired she actually fell asleep on the couch while Daphne and I (no.. not the girls.. but US) helped ourselves to a SECOND helping of ice cream! :)
Emily awoke to Larry Bird on her shoulder. I snapped this picture just as she woke up! She didn't get scared, or startled.. but just excited to see him.. isn't that just the cutest????
Such a nice treat!!! And I was finally able to put my sugar and creamers to good use!!!!