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June 23, 2008


celine navarro

she is just the cutest and I miss you, sweets... :)
i can't tell you how happy I am for your happiness :)

Karen Smithey

She is a real cutie! Love those eyes...

You're right--when they're little, there's not much time for anything else--but it goes so fast, I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Karen Smithey

She is a real cutie! Love those eyes...

You're right--when they're little, there's not much time for anything else--but it goes so fast, I'm glad you're enjoying it.


she is so beautiful!

Beth Moran

She's beautiful! I know where you're coming from with these amazing creatures not leaving much, if any, time for art! Isn't being a mom the best?! :)


She is so cute! You guys did really good! :)

liz smith

OMG!! SO beautiful!! just like her mama!!!
much love to you both
liz xx


what an adorable picture of Audrey Peyton , missing you and enjoying your blog, hope to have lunch sometime soon. Lots of Love Juanita


What a little Angel! She is soooo precious. Watching her grow brings back many memories of fleeting times.




Awwwwww! Getting more beautiful every day! I cannot believe ahe is 8 months old! Holy cow! You are SO lucky!!!
love, JOS

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