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April 04, 2008


Miz Carla

ROFL I nearly peed my pants when I saw it. She did it like she'd been doing it for awhile :D

Could this child be any cuter? I want to squeeze her!

love 2 u both

Cookie Sunshine

Oh My!

liz smith

ahhh--SO cute!! thanks for stopping by the "never been updated for AGES" blog!! am gonna HAVE to do something about that!
am working on stuff for you and little bird--will mail when i'm done shopping!!
love ya!
liz xx


That is so funny!!


That is so funny! Only a mother would of saw that first!

Susan Tuttle

This is such a riot Stacie!! She is the cutest!



Hysterical... I had to replay a couple times. Very cute little capture there. Hope you're having a great weekend!



Look like she is holding up her RING finger, baby wants bling! Ha ha. What a cutie.

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