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January 13, 2008



Babies can NEVER be held too much in my opinion! Some are content to sit by themselves for long stretches of time, but others need to be close to you all the time. My son was that way. He wouldn't sleep unless he was being held, he never wanted to be put down (at least that's how it felt!). He did like this playmat activity thing that had object hanging from it. But even though I felt chained to the chair- sitting with him all the time, it passed. Now he's 17 months and very content to sit by himself and play with his books or his toys. He still comes back to me and gives hugs all the time, but he's very content and knows I'm there. Just go with your instincts. only you know what is right for your baby. as for the artwork, while my son was very little, I only was able to do digital art on my laptop. I set it up on a little table that I could reach while he slept in my lap on a pillow.


A hint... Get a large rectangular laundry basket & put towels & blankets in it for her to lay (later, sit) in so you can work in your studio or fold laundry, or cook, or shower, etc., while she is awake. That's the way my Mom got to paint or work in the glass studio when she was watching Jamie for me when she was a little bird. You can still talk to Audrey and she can see you & feel safe & snug. See, we told you time flies! WAY too fast! Next week you'll be helping her choose a college! So glad you are having fun.
love, JOS


sweet girl, this time is SO fleeting. I can't believe how much she's changed since I saw her last. Give her your time....everything else will still be there later. I love you!

Beth Davis

She's beautiful, Stacie. Aren't they a gift from God? She looks so pretty in pink.

We had a grandchild born on Dec. 25 at 25 weeks. She is not doing well at present; would everyone pls. pray for her? And for Daniel and Penny, the dad & mom? Daniel is my step-son.

A Happy 2008 to everyone!


She is so sweet! I'm glad you're enjoying yourself! Happy New Year!

hope - Paper Relics

so glad to hear from you! Give the pup and the baby and huge for me! And Jeff too! Miss you!!!!!

Kelly Feraro

Stacie! Never feel bad about holding too much. All to soon she'll be on the go and won't need you so much. I write this as the mother of a 17 year old!
Take care!

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