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January 08, 2007



It's been a joy reading your thoughts, they're so full of...reality and so real, so one can see a piece of somebody else's life.

James H.Pitman CGCS

H.O.P.E. Here and now is where we live, Open to feel the warmth around you, Positively everything happens for the best, Enjoy that which is given and that which you give away........HOPE is road we travel in faith through our journey in pursuit of happiness we all seek..........love, Dad

Danielle Muller

thank you for sharing your struggles...thinking of you and sending prayers up to the Father on your behalf. you are loved...and "this to shall pass"...XoXo


sweets, I'm so proud of you. love you. ox


Hang in there, sweetie. All of us have burdens - good for you, facing each one and weighing its consequences. Sending peaceful, positive thoughts your way & thinking of you.
Also - I have been without a computer for a week,but am now making progress in your calendar. I'll have it completed soon. It is GORGEOUS!


Stacey, I think all artists go through times like these. You are constantly looking within and searching. If it is any help, your blog has been a very big inspiration for me. Your a very honest and giving person, and it shines through on this site.


Hmm, I don't think that you are getting my emails as you are not responding! I sent you a mail the day before I left with my number and info about getting together. Now I am thinking that you never got it! :( Maybe I have the wrong address?

liz smith

take care sweetie...and take time for yourself--we're all here for you!!..and you WILL get through this!
much love
liz xx


Here's hoping you find what you need to.

Kat...I never give up on anyone :o) Hang in there...thinking of you.


I hope you are able to get to the place you need to find and the video was great. Love the song!

Kelly Feraro

Take care, Stacie! There are many of us sending you positive and caring thoughts to help support and guide you through your journey!!!!

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