I was off sick the past few days.. which ended up to be a good thing because then I could keep an eye on Scout.
I go to work for a few hours yesterday and come home to check on Scout and he had PULLED HIS DRAINING TUBES OUT!!!!! I freaked out called our vet (he graciously gave me his personal cell phone#).. I wait a few minutes.. no call.. so I rush him to the vet office.
As soon as I get there our vet calls me back and says.. good thing you brought him in... "it's not that big of deal but they need to clean it and take care of him"..
So they end up leaving the tubes out.. staple him up a bit ... but they leave the holes from the drain tubes so he can still drain.. (gross but needed)..
Ok.. so that tragedy is over.. but I come home to see the real "crime scene"..
Let me tell ya.. I am surprised I didn't puke..
I saw the remnants of the tubes.. and the bloody mess.. and the worst part was.. what he had pulled out with the tubes... FAT TISSUE!!! Yes.. (like I said.. read only if you have a strong stomach)... I had to pick up pieces of FAT!!!!
I tell ya.. if I can handle this.. then a poopy diaper would be a cinch!
Poor little guy.. I can't even imagine how bad that hurt when he pulled them out!
I though for sure.. he had left everything alone for 3 days.. a few hours would be okay.. but no.. it was like "ok.. mom's gone now.. I will get these foreign objects out asap!"..
Needless to say.. he has a rough day yesterday but he is doing better today.. and we are NOT leaving him out of our site!
I will be so glad when he is back to feeling better.. this is killin me seein' him like this!
You're right girlie, if you can take care of messes like this and not freak then you'll be able to handle anything!!
Posted by: Jana | March 25, 2006 at 04:56 PM
Hey Stacie and Scout -
Hugs all around! Sounds like he is doing better! I know you would clean up toxic waste bare-handed as long as you're together! Hang in there!
Posted by: Jonnette | March 25, 2006 at 12:23 PM
Hang in there, Scout and Stacie. We are thinking of you, and praying too. Happy days ahead! I CAN imagaine how much that hurt. I had drain tubes in once after the only operation I ever had and when they pulled them out the nurse said, "Whatever happens, keep breathing." So Scout is one brave doggie. Get well soon.
Susan and RAOUL.
Posted by: Susan and Raoul | March 25, 2006 at 07:54 AM
Poor thing! How long will it take him to heal up?
Posted by: Lauri | March 24, 2006 at 05:53 PM
THANK YOU!!! For NOT including crime scene photos!
love, JOS
Posted by: Joanne | March 24, 2006 at 04:36 PM
OH wow! Your own person ER! Good thing you didn't become squeemish! Poor Scouty! HOpefully he will behave now and let it all heal or you might just have to cone him!
Posted by: Lelainia | March 24, 2006 at 01:19 PM