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Suzanne in Albany

Hi Stacie, sorry you are going through a hard time. It seems like life transitions -- whether it's illness, loss of a loved one, a change of jobs, etc. -- bring challenges to relationships because it causes us to re-assess our place in the world and within our relationships, and can be a source of anxiety and insecurity. But it is also normal to go through this, maybe realizing that will help you to not lose hope. By all means get outside help if you need it, it can help immensely to get a different point of view on things. Anyway, just my two cents' worth 'cuz I've been there, done that! (And I've only been married a year to the love of my life, but we've already faced challenges due to life transitions) And it sounded like you could use a little support. If you're interested I found some relationship stuff on the internet (when *I* needed it) that spoke to the different stages of relationships, and found it re-assuring during the thick of things.
Take care, Suzanne

jennifer bly

Sweet Stacie,

I think when a couple looses their baby, they are in so much pain they tend to lash out in anger over thier loss, and unfortunately, they usually hurt the ones they love the most, the ones they know will still love them no matter what. I am so sorry for your loss. I have been there too, and it does get better, slowly. My prayers are with you and Jeff during this time of sorrow.

Jennifer Bly

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